The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in Australia has revolutionized the way individuals with disabilities access support and services, promoting independence, choice, and control over their lives. Personal Mobility Equipment plays a crucial role in the NDIS, empowering participants with mobility challenges to lead more active, fulfilling lives. In this blog, we will explore the significance of Personal Mobility Equipment under the NDIS, the different types available, and the transformative impact they have on the lives of those who benefit from these assistive devices.

Understanding Personal Mobility Equipment under the NDIS

Personal Mobility Equipment under the NDIS refers to a diverse range of assistive devices designed to enhance the mobility and independence of individuals with physical disabilities or limitations. The NDIS recognizes the importance of providing participants with personalized and tailored mobility solutions to match their unique needs and goals.

Types of Personal Mobility Equipment Supported by the NDIS

  1. Manual Wheelchairs: Manual wheelchairs, available in various designs and configurations, are propelled by the user or a caregiver. The NDIS provides funding for both standard and customized manual wheelchairs to ensure users have appropriate support.

  2. Electric Wheelchairs: Electric or power wheelchairs are motorized devices controlled by a joystick or other assistive devices. These wheelchairs offer greater ease of movement, especially for individuals with limited upper body strength or endurance.

  3. Mobility Scooters: Mobility scooters are electric-powered vehicles designed for outdoor use. They are ideal for individuals who require assistance with mobility over longer distances.

  4. Walkers and Rollators: Walkers and rollators are lightweight frames equipped with wheels and brakes, providing support and stability for individuals with mild mobility issues.

  5. Crutches and Canes: Crutches and canes are simple yet effective mobility aids that offer support for individuals with minor injuries or temporary mobility challenges.

Transformative Impact on Participants' Lives

  1. Independence and Autonomy: Personal Mobility Equipment allows NDIS participants to gain greater independence and autonomy in their daily lives. They can move around their homes, communities, and workplaces with confidence and reduced reliance on others.

  2. Access to Education and Employment: With the support of appropriate mobility equipment, participants can access educational institutions and workplaces, fostering greater inclusion and opportunities for personal and professional growth.

  3. Improved Social Participation: Personal Mobility Equipment empowers individuals to participate in social activities, events, and gatherings, reducing feelings of isolation and promoting social integration.

  4. Enhanced Physical and Mental Well-being: The ability to move freely and engage in physical activities positively impacts participants' physical and mental health, leading to improved overall well-being.

  5. Inclusion and Access to Services: Personal Mobility Equipment allows participants to access essential services, facilities, and community spaces, breaking down barriers to inclusion.

Accessing Personal Mobility Equipment through the NDIS

To access Personal Mobility Equipment under the NDIS, eligible participants undergo assessments to determine their specific mobility needs. With the support of allied health professionals, participants collaborate with the NDIS to identify the most suitable mobility aids or devices.

Challenges and the Way Forward

While Personal Mobility Equipment has significantly transformed the lives of NDIS participants, challenges remain, including cost considerations, waiting times for assessments, and ensuring access to the latest and most innovative mobility technologies.

Continued investment in research and development, increased awareness about mobility options, and collaboration between manufacturers, health professionals, and the NDIS will drive ongoing improvements in Personal Mobility Equipment provision.


Personal Mobility Equipment under the NDIS is a driving force in promoting independence, inclusion, and quality of life for individuals with mobility challenges. By offering a diverse range of mobility aids and devices, the NDIS empowers participants to navigate their world with confidence and freedom. As the NDIS continues to evolve, its commitment to providing personalized and transformative mobility solutions will further strengthen its impact, fostering a more inclusive and accessible society for all.